Cedar Bluff Community Church

Pastor: Bro. Richard Smith


“To all those who enter here, be thoughtful, be silent, be reverent.

 Before the service, speak to God. During the service, let God speak to you.

 After the service, speak to others.”



Sunday Services:

·       Sunday School                         10:00am

·       Morning Worship Service     11:00am

·       Choir Practice                            6:00pm

·       Evening Worship Service       7:00pm


Weekly Services:

·       Jr. and Sr. Youth Leagues - Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm until 8:00pm

·       Prayer Meeting - Wednesday evenings @ 7:00pm


Please Take Note: 


·       Don’t forget to bring a jar of peanut butter each month for the Good Samaritan Food Pantry. Thank you for your support!